Oreo & Calie

Oreo and Callie are sisters of family of 4 siblings. They traveled by the car for 2.5 hours and came to our house when they were 3 months old. At beginning, they were very scared. Actually I was nervous too, because I never had experience with cats before. We carefully observed each other. I feed them and talked to them. Kittens like soft voices, and they need someone to protect them. It did not take a long time before they began to follow me around. I began to love them and sing songs for them. I am not sure if they enjoyed the music part, but kittens love the attention.

Family photos when we were little
Watching the cat video

Calie is the old sister. She is a calico cat (three different colors of fur). Normal only female cats are calico. Calie is very vocal and loud. She has leadership characters. When Calie is hungry, she cries loud and demands food seriously. She also uses different voice to express her feelings. Calie thinks she is dominant in the family. Although she likes me a lot, when I touched her paws, she became angry and looked at me madly, then she tried to bite me ( not seriously bite, mainly warning).

Kitten Calie

Oreo is the youngest in the family and she acts like a baby. Oreo always try to lie on my shoulders with her little paws touching my neck. She follows me everywhere. Mr T said, if Oreo doesn’t see me in 5 minutes, she has “separation anxiety”.

Oreo is peace lover and she doesn’t want any conflict. However, she is very smart. One time she pushed a food can from table to ground, the plastic cover of the can was opened. From then, she tried to push all the can from the table. Oreo often opened the drawers to see if there was anything interesting. She is pretty good to steal food for herself. Both of the two cats find the top of refrigerator a good place to hide from the enemies.

Oreo at Christmas holiday
Oreo at tea time
Safe place on top of the refrigerator

I often wonder if Oreo and Calie were human beings, Calie possibly will become a political leader and spoken person in public. And Oreo will gain her Ph.D from Harvard and have a career of outstanding scientist.

12 thoughts on “Oreo & Calie

      1. Animals do make us happier. I think we will go a while before having another one once Heaven is gone. We are really wanting to hit the road at some point and travel across the US. For now, we love on her as long as she is here. Your babies are getting up there too. Hope you have many more years with them. 🙂

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